Class Teacher: Miss Harris
HLTA: Mrs Nicholson
TA: Miss Woods
Squirrel Class information:
PE: Tuesday and Friday
Computing: Monday
Outdoor learning: Wednesday

Our class, in our words:
‘I like being in Squirrel class because I get to challenge myself, I have lots of friends and we have the best teachers.’ – Bethany M, Year 3
‘I enjoy being in Squirrel class because we have a nice community and we have nice subjects and fun break times with our friends.’ – Aneira, Year 3
‘I enjoy being in Squirrel class because Miss Harris is the best teacher ever and she is so kind and I always enjoy her lessons.’ – Poppy R, Year 4
‘In Squirrel class we have really nice teachers and they make sure everyone understands what we are doing’. Isobel, Year 4
New spellings and maths homework are given out on a Monday.
Reading records and homework acknowledged on Monday.
Half-term projects related to current topic.
Upcoming Events:
October: Black History Month
Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October: Parents’ eve
November 11th: Anti-Bulling week
Monday 25th November: World Climate Day
Squirrel Class Learning:

Squirrel class have been using base-10 resources to partition numbers to 100.
We have been learning about Land Art and have been creating our own pieces using natural materials. We have been inspired by artists such as Andy Goldsworthy and Richard Long.

Squirrel class have been exploring Land Art and the different ways to join natural materials