Barns Green Primary School

"Discovering the best in all"

Headteacher's Welcome

Thank you for your interest in Barns Green Primary School. It's impossible to capture the caring and happy atmosphere of...

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Our Core Values & Vision

Our Vision At Barns Green, we encourage all of our children to become confident, secure and caring individuals, who are...

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Term Dates & School Calendar

All term dates and activities can be seen in school's public Google calendar. West Sussex County Council term dates can...

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Welcome to Barns Green Primary School

We are a happy and successful primary school, set in the heart of rural Barns Green, Sussex. We’re passionate about the well-being of our children and their learning.

Our values of Respect, Responsibility, Perseverance, Compassion, Community and Inclusion underpin everything we do. You can find out more about our Values and our Vision here.

We have a state-of-the-art school building, designed to 21st-century standards, built in 2015. The building boasts generous classrooms and play spaces to create a stimulating environment for our pupils. The inside space is bright and airy and flooded with natural daylight. There is easy access to outdoor spaces, and we encourage outdoor learning in extensive playgrounds and fields and ‘forest school’.

Thank you for taking the time to find out more about us. We hope that our website gives you an insight into the school, its values, ethos, and expectations.

Please read our Headteacher’s welcome to find out more or watch the video below. If you would like to experience the school first-hand or have any unanswered questions – please contact us to arrange a visit.

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