Class Teachers:
Monday- Thursday: Miss Bishop
Friday: Mrs Nicholson
HLTA: Mrs MacDonald
Fox Class information:
PE: Wednesday and Friday
Computing: Thursday
Outdoor learning: Thursday
Homework: Tuesday (handed out) and Monday (handed in)

Our class, in our words:
Being in Fox class is very fun but also quite challenging. We have our SATs coming up and the work pushes us to be the best we can be. We have amazing teachers which makes our final year memorable and special. It feels nice to be together with just the year 6 and we have become very close because of this. We feel honored and trusted as we have been given opportunities for leadership roles, such as school ambassador, librarian, digital leaders and sports leader. This year we have had some wonderful experiences already and are looking forward to many more before we leave.
In year 6, the children receive a weekly Maths and reading comprehension sheet to reinforce their learning and help support with SATs.
They also receive weekly spellings which are tested each Wednesday. These are based on the Year 6 key spellings and their class spelling rule.
Reading journals will be collected weekly. After 10 entries, the children receive a reading pin and after 20 entries they are warded a book of their choice from our top 100 year 6 reads!
Upcoming Events:
October: Black History Month
Monday 7th October: Life Saving lessons
Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October: Parents’ eve
November 11th: Anti-Bulling week
Thursday 14th November: Fox class trip
Monday 25th November: World Climate Day
Year 6 Learning:
This week the children have been recapping their place value in Maths, creating images inspired by Andy Goldsworthy in outdoor learning and created representations of how light travels in Science.