Class Teachers:
Class Teacher: Ms Friedli
Class TA: Mrs Dasey
Class TA: Mrs Hodgson
Hedgehog Class information:
PE: Monday and Wednesday
Computing: Tuesday
Outdoor learning: Friday

Our class , in our words:
We really enjoy school and love being in Hedgehog Class. It’s so much fun and we get to learn lots, we just love to learn.
‘In English I like writing because it’s something I am focusing on’.
‘I love Art because I love to be creative’.
‘I like History because we get to learn something everyday.’
‘In Maths we get to know our number bonds and I love doubling.’
I love our outdoor learning because we made log dogs and dens. We made a fire and charcoal too.
We love it because we get to learn different things.
Homework for year1 is to read on a regular basis and hand in reading journals on a Monday.
Homework for years 2 is to read regularly, hand in reading journals on a Monday.
Maths homework is set on a Monday for year 2 and spellings are given out every Monday for both year groups ready to be tested the following week.
Upcoming Events:
October: Black History Month
Wednesday 23rd and Thursday 24th October: Parents’ eve
November 11th: Anti-Bulling week
Monday 25th November: World Climate Day
Hedgehog Class Learning:
This week in Hedgehog Class we arrived at school to find some lost crayons. We found out how they were feeling and why they had arrived. We wrote Lost posters as we are helping them to get back to Duncan.

In science we are learning about human senses. We used our senses and made different observations about taste, touch, smell, hear and see.
Hedgehog Class enjoyed a Toy Workshop this week. We learnt about some very old toys and what they were made of. We compared some similarities and differences between old and new toys. We even got to play with some of them!

The children enjoyed our first session of Drop and Read, as adults came to join us whilst sharing a variety of books.